1. Perl
  2. builtin functions
  3. here

__FILE__ - Get the script file name

Use __FILE__ to get the file name of the script.


When you load a file as a script, the program expands into memory in the process space, but Perl remembers the filename before it was expanded.


This is an example to get the file name of the script.

# Get file name __FILE__
print "1: Get the file name. (__FILE__)\n";
print "This file name is\n".
  __FILE__ . "\n".

print "2: Get the name of the read file.\n";
# Use do to read another file into the memory of the process space of this program.
do "SomeModule.pm";

print "The read file name is\n",
  SomeModule::this_file_name (), "\n",

print '3: Not the name of the script being executed ($0). ' . "\n";
print "The name of the script being executed is\n",
  SomeModule::this_script_name (), "\n",

SomeModule.pm (Place it in the same directory as the example script above)

package SomeModule;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub this_file_name {
  return __FILE__;

sub this_script_name {
  return $0;


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