Hash::Util - Prohibit the addition of hash keys
You can use the Hash::Util module to prevent the addition of hash keys.
use Hash::Util; # limit Hash::Util::lock_keys(%hash); # lift Hash::Util::unlock_keys(%hash);
You can use Hash::Util::lock_keys to limit the keys in a hash. If you specify only a hash as an argument, the addition of keys other than the current key is prohibited.
%hash = (); # Limited to key1 and key2. @restrict_keys = qw/key1 key2/; Hash::Util::lock_keys(%hash, @restrict_keys); # Remove restrictions. Hash::Util::unlock_keys(%hash);
If you specify a key as the second argument, you can prohibit the addition of keys other than that key.
The Hash::Util::lock_keys function does not prohibit delete keys from being deleted. Only the addition of keys is prohibited.
Prohibit changing hash value and adding/deleting keys
Hash::Util::lock_hash (%hash); # Lift the prohibition on hash changes Hash::Util::lock_hash (%hash);
You can use the Hash::Util::lock_hash function to prevent key additions, deletions and value changes. You can treat the key and its corresponding value as read-only.
To make the hash completely read-only, use Hash::Util::lock_hash_recurse. If the hash value contains a reference, you can prevent the reference from changing the value it points to.
This is an example that uses Hash::Util to limit the change of hash key and value.
use strict; use warnings; # Restrict changes to hash keys and values. use Hash::Util; my %hash; my @restrict_keys; # Limited to key1 and key2. print "1-1: Prohibit the addition of hash keys.\n"; %hash = (key1 => 1, key2 => 2); Hash::Util::lock_keys(%hash); # Added key3. # Die, so capture it with eval for an example. eval {$hash{key3} = 3}; print "$@\n"; # Remove the prohibition on adding and deleting keys. Hash::Util::unlock_keys(%hash); # Limited to key1 and key2. print "1-2: Prohibit the addition of keys other than the specified key.\n"; %hash = (); @restrict_keys = qw/key1 key2/; # Die when trying to add key3. Hash::Util::lock_keys(%hash, @restrict_keys); eval {$hash{key3} = 3}; print "$@\n"; # Remove the key restriction. Hash::Util::unlock_keys(%hash); print "2: Prohibit changing hash value and adding/deleting keys.\n"; %hash = (key1 => 1, key2 => 2); # Die when trying to change the value. Hash::Util::lock_hash (%hash); eval {$hash{key1} = 3}; print "$@\n"; # Die when trying to add a key. eval {$hash{key3} = 1}; print "$@\n"; # Lift the prohibition on hash changes Hash::Util::lock_hash (%hash);
(Reference) eval
1-1: Prohibit the addition of hash keys. Attempt to access disallowed key'key3' in a restricted hash at - line 17. 1-2: Prohibit the addition of keys other than the specified key. Attempt to access disallowed key'key3' in a restricted hash at - line 28. 2: Prohibit changing hash value and adding/deleting keys. Modification of a read-only value attempted at - line 37. Attempt to access disallowed key'key3' in a restricted hash at - line 40.