How to compile Perl itself from source code

How to compile Perl itself from source code. First, fetch the Perl source code with "git clone".

git clone

This is the latest branch of the current development version.

Then execute the following command listed in the README.

./Configure -des -Dprefix = $HOME/localperl

In the release version, this command will generate a Makefile, but in the development version it will fail, so execute the following command.

./Configure -des -Dusedevel -Dprefix = $HOME/localperl

Next is compilation. Execute the make command.


Next is the test.

make test

Finally installed. It will be installed in "$HOME/localperl".

make install

I've been touching the Perl source code a bit lately, but running make and make test after making changes is a bit unrealistic. This does everything, including testing the module.

So there is a way to compile a minimal amount of Perl or run a minimal amount of testing.

You can compile a small Perl called miniperl with the following command:

make miniperl

You can run a small test with the following command:

make minitest

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