Hash slice
You can retrieve multiple values from hash using a feature called hash slice .
my @math_score_slice = @math_scores{'Aiko', 'Kenta'};
Hash slices allow you to specify multiple keys and retrieve the values as a list. Note that the prefix is @, not $ or %, and the keys is surroundded by {}.
For hash reference, you can do a hash slice like this:
my @math_score_slice = @$math_scores{'Aiko', 'Kenta'};
Use hash slice as lvalue
@math_score_of{'Aiko', 'Kenta'} = (20, 40);
You can assign a hash slice to the corresponding key by using it as an lvalue.
Array slice
A similar feature to hash slice is array slice. Array slices can be used to retrieve multiple elements of an array.
# Array slice my @values = @array[0, 3, 5];
Example program
This is an example program for hash slice.
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; # Student math scores my %math_scores = ( Aiko => 89, Kenta => 100, Taro => 34, ); print "original hash\n"; print Dumper \%math_scores; print "\n\n"; # 1: Hash slice print "1: Hash slice (get values for Aiko and Kenta)\n"; my @math_score_slice = @math_scores{'Aiko', 'Kenta'}; print "\@math_score_slice =", join(',', @math_score_slice), ")\n\n"; # 2: Use hash slice as lvalue (set values for Aiko and Kenta) print "2: Use hash slice as lvalue" . "(Set values for Aiko and Kenta)\n"; @math_scores{'Aiko', 'Kenta'} = (20, 40); print Dumper \%math_scores;
original hash $VAR1 = { 'Kenta' => 100, 'Aiko' => 89, 'Taro' => 34 }; 1: Hash slice (get values for Aiko and Kenta) @math_score_slice =89,100) 2: Use hash slice as lvalue(Set values for Aiko and Kenta) $VAR1 = { 'Kenta' => 40, 'Aiko' => 20, 'Taro' => 34 };
Reference: join function