1. Perl
  2. Environment construction

I saw the introduction of CPAN on the Sakura Internet server as a complete procedure.

(The content of this article is out of date, now it should be easy to install the module locally using cpanm. Building a local environment with cpanm See>.)

otsune introduced How to use CPAN on Sakura Internet rental server. However, some manual work is required, so I tried to make it a procedure so that it can be executed entirely by copying.

Sakura Internet server cpan installation procedure

# Create a directory for the library
mkdir -p ~/local

# Create a CPAN config file
echo no | cpan

# Rewrite the configuration file MyConfig.pm for the cpan command
# (Please copy up to the line __END__ at once and execute it. If it stops, enter)
perl-~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm> ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.edit
while (<>) {
    if (/^\s * \}; /) {
        # print q 'make_install_arg' => qq [SITEPREFIX = $ENV{HOME}/local], # , "\n",
              # q 'makepl_arg' => qq [INSTALLDIRS = site LIB = $ENV{HOME}/local/lib/perl5 PREFIX = $ENV{HOME}/local], # , "\n",
              # q 'mbuildpl_arg' => qq [./Build - install_base $ENV{HOME}/local], # , "\n",
              # q 'urllist' => [q [ftp://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/lang/cpan/], q [ftp://ftp.ring.gr.jp/pub/ lang/perl/CPAN /]], # , "\n",
              q # }; # , "\n";
    elsif (!/^\s *'make_install_arg'/&&
        !/^\s *'makepl_arg'/&&
        !/^\s *'mbuildpl_arg'/&&
        !/^\s *'urllist'/    )

# Overwrite the current configuration file with the edited file
mv -f ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm.edit ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm

# Perl library location settings
echo'setenv PATH $HOME/local/bin: $PATH' >> ~/.cshrc
echo'setenv PERL5LIB $HOME/local/lib/perl5: $HOME/local/lib/perl5/site_perl' >> ~/.cshrc

# Avoid BSD PAN errors
echo'setenv PKG_DBDIR $HOME/local/var/db/pkg' >> ~/.cshrc
echo'setenv PORT_DBDIR $HOME/local/var/db/pkg' >> ~/.cshrc
echo'setenv INSTALL_AS_USER >> ~/.cshrc'
echo'setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $HOME/local/lib' >> ~/.cshrc
mkdir -p ~/local/var/db/pkg

# Reflect the contents of .cshrc in environment variable
source ~/.cshrc

# Update to the latest version of cpan
cpan -i Bundle::CPAN

# The installation will start and you will be asked if you want to install the dependent modules as well, so press Enter. (A little long)

You can now use cpan.

If you want to start over for some reason

I'm messing around with the directories ~/local, ~/.cpan, and the csh configuration file ~/.cshrc.

If you want to start over, delete the ~/local and ~/.cpan directories.

Also, open ~/.cshrc with vi and delete the items added at the end.

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