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cpanm - Installation of Perl Modules on User Directories

cpanm is a command line tool to install CPAN modules on user directories.

# Installation of CPAN modules
cpanm MoudleName

Installation of cpanm

Explains how to install cpanm.

Strawberry Perl

Strawberry Perl has cpanm by default. Strawberry Perl is one of Perl distributions on Windows.


If you install perlbrew, you can install cpanm in the following command.

perlbrew install-cpanm


If you install plenv, you can install cpanm in the following command.

plenv install-cpanm

Download cpanm itself

You can download cpanm itself.

curl -L -O http://xrl.us/cpanm > cpanm
chmod 755 cpanm

You can execute cpanm as the following.

./cpanm ModuleName

Package Managers

Install cpanm using package managers.

Ubuntu, Debian

apt install cpanminus

Red Hat Linux, Cent OS

yum install perl-App-cpanminus

Install CPAN Modules

Install CPAN modules using cpanm.

# Install CPAN modules.
cpanm Mojolicious

Version Specific

You can install modules with the version.

cpanm Mojolicious@9.23

Specifying the installation directory

You can install CPAN modules on the specified directory using -L option.

cpanm -L extlib DBIx::Custom

DBIx::Custom will be installed "extlib" in the current directory.

cpanfile - Definition of Modules

You can defined modules you want to install and the versions using cpanfile.

Writing cpanfile

cpanfile is a file to define the modules and the versions.

Create the file "cpanfile".

# Create a "cpanfile" file
touch cpanfile

Define the moudles and the versions.

requires 'DBI', '== 1.619';
requires 'DBD::SQLite', '== 1.36_04';
requires 'DBIx::Custom', '== 0.25';

cpanfile formats:


You can use the following syntax for the version:

Descriptions Formats Examples
Specified version == Version == 0.03
Specified version or higher >= Version >= 0.03
Below the specified version <= Version <= 0.03
Greater than the specified version > Version > 0.03
Less than the specified version < Version < 0.03

Install Modules using cpanfile

You can install CPAN modules from the definition of cpanfile using the "--installdeps" option.

# Install CPAN modules from the definition of cpanfile
perl cpanm --installdeps .

You can also install modules on the specified directory using the "-L" option.

perl cpanm -L extlib - installdeps.

Showing Help

Show the cpanm help.

cpanm -h

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